Aeromao is proud to offer a fully tested onboard GNSS-PPK system, which allows for exceptionally accurate post-processing and post-processed kinematic workflows. Flights with GCPs (ground control points) give accuracy, but are very labor and time intensive to set out, especially over large areas or difficult terrain. We are able to offer a solution which produces high precision camera positioning every time an image is captured, delivering your data sets ready for Pix4DMapper, Agisoft Photoscan or your image processing software of choice. Its also quick- 20 to 40 minutes processing post flight, and you’re ready to use your data. Increase your productivity effortlessly, by switching to the GNSS-PPK system.
Again, we went the extra mile when selecting and integrating a GNSS PPK system provider on our UAV systems and we have gone through many hours of field testing, validation and fine tuning in order to make it very reliable, user friendly and available as a complete solution.